Hey socias,
Found a place to stay...thanks to the on the ground help of MXL. At first, we were torn in different directions due to endless internet searches and all that jazz.
Kind of settled on a place that Lunabee and Gomex stayed at...the cranky crock
or the Platypus Hotel a spot that Rat stayed at once.
Both are an online hotel finder staple but since MXL is in Bogota for Ladyfest, she found a spot, still in La Calendaria called Villa Calendaria Hostal. Cheaper than the above and in her opinion, mas lindo.
With that task out of the way, what is left to do?
1. Pick up Passport with visa, sin problemas
2. Pack underwear
3. Pack recorders
4. Deposit money into my travel credit card account aka if i get robbed, I don't have to worry about my savings being jacked account
5. Pack my green card in my travel pouch
6. Take my travel pouch
7. Pack 4 shirts
8. Pack a change of clothes
9. Pack umbrella (maybe)
10. Pack a dress
11. Straighten out my room so that my girlfriend can be left with a state of peace and not my chaos
12. Pack journal
13. Pack book en espaNol
Data Hk
5 years ago
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