Thursday, August 19, 2010

Disjointed in the Desert

My first vacation tour as an Paracas with the Child and Gomex.  Standing in the middle of Mad Max territory with 40 Peruvian tourists looking at nothing and everything. Wondering where I fit...and knowing the answer is 'nowhere'.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Appetites lost, Desires created

I don't really eat these days...not like i used to. My total meal intake is usually 1.5 meals a day.  I just don't have the appetite I used to have and sometimes I'd rather drink juice than suck on rib.  I find this sad because I miss the way that I could just chow down at all times of the day.  I kind of blame pulque -- well my disaster with pulque (more on that when i share my moments in mexico). 

Because juices were such a daily part of my routine in Lima and D.F.  I'm shopping for a juicer. I think I found her courtesy of mi chica, czarina.  Above is a picture of my first meal in Lima--avocado and mango juice. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Beach Series: Chilca

Chilca is a couple of hours away from Lima in the bus/combi express but if you end up finding a car, it is a smooth, comfortable 45 minute drive on the Pan American highway.   I will say that it is by far one of THE favorite places that I visited in Peru.  This tiny coastal town doesn't seem like it has much to do in this Mad Max desert of a beach line but it is damn interesting, and life changing if you are with the right folks or/and right frame of mind.  Why is it so special to me?

1.  A childhood beloved destination of my homie, Precolumbian
2.  Famous for OVNI sightings aka UFOs for all you believers and non-believers
3.  It offers the cheapest spa treatments in the world.  In Chilca, there are these lagoons that are famosas for their healing powers--like for serious healing powers.  Are you suffering from athritis?  Is your face still not out of the puberty stage of acne?  Do you want to increase your fertility?  Well, these lagoons are supposed to be the place to work that extraterrestrial magic on earthling problems.  Don't be deterred by the sulfuric smell or the nickelodeon radioactive green of the water.  Once you dip yourself inside and cover yourself with the rich, volcanic like mud, and let it completely dry until your skin feels like it will crack--nothing can feel more amazing than those least for me. 
4.  Delicious food.  You are right next to the sea so you can't miss fresh seafood.

P.S. I will say that despite the mud turning me the same blackface color as everybody else, I was still the center of attention especially at the gemelas lagoon--the smallest of the lagoons.  But, yeah, the sun, the mud, my friends, and the e.t. magic kept me chill, like my man above.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Beach Series: La Punta

I feel pretty disjointed like this picture Chuya took of me at La Punta--this pretty amazing rock beach in Callao (talking about Lima, Peru, folks). I wanted to take a rock bath since most people would pay money for hot rocks to be lain across their body like this.  It was my first time going to a crowded beach in South America.  All of the times I had gone to the beach was during the middle of the week, pretty early in the day and way out of town  or at the edge of town but this was my day to be totally exposed in ways that I find generally uncomfortable--16 year old mothershiester would never have gone to the beach in a bikini or a even a swimsuit of any kind. I'm pretty aware of the shape and size of my body most of the time.  But I am a lot less nervous about my curves than when I was a teen... at the same time it is different to be so naked around people who think your skin color is so strange, which means your body is so strange, exotic...something to stare at, something to point out.  I don't think I could've gone there with one or 2 people but it was a small gaggle of us so I felt less anxiety. I even went into the water--which is a whole another story of childhood anxiety nightmares.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


oh my pretty babies,

things are about to blow up!!! in the midst of my deep depression for the past 3 weeks, i realized that part of it has to do with the lack of purging i have done since i came back to d.c. And that even though I'm at 'home'. Home is different. I'm different. And i may be settling in, but I'm still traveling. Parts of me are left in lima and D.F. And I feel strange here...still getting to know everything here, so similar but so strange. And trying to bridge distances between people that i used to feel like they were part of my it's hard and yeah the only way I can get out of this rut, this deep Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole, i need to write, write, write until everything is out. Until I'm comfortably deflated.

So yeah, babies, lend me your eyes, ears, and neurological nerve receptors of all kinds....i'm gonna write you a story that tells you about the past, present, and future--all rolled up in one like school lunch meatloaf but better.
The Mothershiester