Monday, May 24, 2010

La Función de la Palabra

Mi maestro me dijo...that in order to progress in spanish, I should read, read, speak, read, read, and watch La Función de la Palabra. It is sort of like the McLaughlin Group meets some other PBS show. The host, Marco Aurelio Denegri, talks about many temas from the gays to that book he just picked up. I think also he often invites guests. I think the fact that Denegri speaks slowly and his spanish is described as ¨perfecto¨ by my teacher is why he is so gung ho about this guy.

But alas, I am not sure I can trust a man that looks like Larry King but lo promotí que lo veré. Ya pues!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Unchain My Heart, Lima

este mañana, precolumbian, jesus, y yo la llevamos a Chuya al aeropuerto. Her return to d.c. also signals the close of my journey down south. After close to 6 months, i am going back to d.c. and I am in a state of confusion, sadness, preoccupation, and excitement. The last 6 months have been ha ha funny, frustrating, beautiful, hard, full of growth,realization, and love. Valuable relationships were formed, some relationships were strengthened and taken to another level, while others have suffered.

With that said, I have a lot of writing to do for you folks this week but in the meantime I leave you with this song sung by Akiko Wado. I heard this song in the taxi to the airport. As I held Chuyas hand and we jammed to this song, I realized that of the 100 favorite moments I have had in Peru, all of my taxi rides to pick up or drop off people or myself from the airport are included in that list. Because of the amazing soundtrack each driver provides. I especially love this ride because the taxi driver got a kick out of our excitment for each song, even emphasizing, after he popped the trunk, how much he loved those classic songs ¨de su tierra¨...from our land.

Even though this is not the original version (originally recorded i believe by ray charles) I heard on the taxi ride, I found this one and it steals me away too.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sickness or in the same in my travel games

Im not blaming this plate of cebiche that I ate at the beach a month ago for my current failed digestive track but I will say that this plate of deliciousness is on the list of possible culprits.

Will this stop me from eating a plate of cebiche at the same spot tomorrow? Probably not.  I pray that it is not a disaster but alas I can only blame my lack of impulse control.